Robotic welding

Welding is performed with robotic CO2 and manual TIG welding methods. Robotic welding is used when the welding process consists of many repetitive jobs or similar parts that require more than one axis to be welded or where access to the parts is difficult. For the steel, aluminum and stainless steel construction, CO2, argon or a mixture is used for welding, depending on materials.

Robotsko zavarivanje

In addition to the fundamental requirements for durability and the quality of welded joints, we often get demands for high aesthetic quality. For this reason, at our locksmith department we have developed finishing techniques that allow an invisible appearance of joint parts.


Looking for an outsourcing partner? 

We offer our services with the possibility of either using your materials or ours.
Send us your positioning plan in dwg/dxf format and we’ll contact you with an offer as soon as possible.